We had the pleasure to be able to escort the traveling Wall to Sutherlin Oregon last week. There were 110 bikes and a lot of LEO’s and fire departments on the escort as well. The Wall spent 5 days on display and was very well attended by everyone. At the same time there was an area just south of town, for the field of flags that were called “the healing flags”. It was very visible from I-5.
There were over 1,550 flags that were displayed in a very uniform grid. There were supposed to be 1,750 flags but they ran out of room for the grid in the field. I did not get to help on the set up, but was there for the big tear down and put away on Sunday. They had to be delivered back to Grants Pass the next day, so I volunteered the use of my truck and enclosed trailer so they did not
have to rent another U haul. The field of flags was also visited by a lot of people who were very proud to be able to witness such an awesome display. They were lit up with a lot of light strings at night and there were volunteers who held 24 hour vigils for attending the fuel for the generators and for security too. People were getting off the freeway to see what all the flags were about and were then
told about the ‘Wall” being on display in town. It was a very good community affair that brought out a lot of help from all different walks of life. We did a Patriot Guard ride to show support for Dr. McCartt’smemorial service that was held Saturday at the Wall. A big thank you goes out to all the help and community efforts for a very good patriotic event. Thank you City of
Past Adventures of Ratbike Milo!
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